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The University of Hong Kong

Publications on MiC and Offsite Construction

Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

  • Wang, Y. and Pan, W.* (2024). Assessing embodied carbon emissions from material consumption in Hong Kong’s building sector from 2012 to 2050 under uncertainty. Building and Environment, 267, 112137.

  • Zhang, Y., Chen, S. and Pan, W.* (2024). Systematic initial embodied carbon assessment of concrete modular high-rise residential buildings: A case in Hong Kong. Building and Environment, 265, 111917.

  • Bai, Y., Yu, C. and Pan, W.* (2024). Systematic examination of energy performance gap in low-energy buildings. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 202, 114701.

  • Zhu, A., Zhang, Z. and Pan, W.* (2024). Developing a fast and accurate collision detection strategy for crane-lift path planning in high-rise modular integrated construction. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 61, 102509.

  • Zhang, Y., Pan, W.*, Teng, Y. and Chen, S. (2024). Construction Waste Reduction in Buildings through Modular and Offsite Construction. Journal of Management in Engineering, 40, 04024026.

  • Zhang, Y., Pan, M., Pan, W.*, Yang, Y. and Wu, J. (2024) Enhancing Modular Construction Supply Chain: Drivers, Opportunities, Constraints, Concerns, Strategies, and Measures. Developments in the Built Environment, 18, 100408.

  • Duan, Y., Pan, W.*, Ping, T. Mou, B. and Young, B. (2024). Effects of module-to-module connection rotational stiffness on the structural performance of high-rise steel modular buildings. Journal of Building Engineering, 82, 108187.

  • Zhan, W., Pan, W.*, Law, W. and Shen, H. (2024). Stakeholders’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Intentions of Adopting Modular Integrated Construction for Sustainable Development in Hong Kong. Journal of Management in Engineering, 40, 04023070.

  • Ping, T., Pan, W. and Zhang, Z. (2023). Developing a systematic performance measurement framework for benchmarking steel modular building construction. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management.

  • Pan, W., Parker, D., and Pan, M. (2023). Problematic Interfaces and Prevention Strategies in Modular Construction. Journal of Management in Engineering, 39(2), 05023001.

  • Pan, W., Yang, Y., and Pan, M. (2023). Implementing modular integrated construction in high-rise high-density cities: perspectives in Hong Kong. Building Research Information Fusion, 51(3), 354-368.

  • Wu, C., Liu, L., Mou, B., Pan, W., and Liu, J. (2023). Experimental and theoretical study on seismic behavior of connection between prefabricated steel-reinforced concrete column and base. Engineering Structures, 274, 115169.

  • Zhang, Z., Wong, M. O., and Pan, W. (2023). Virtual reality enhanced multi-role collaboration in crane-lift training for modular construction. Automation in Construction, 150, 104848.

  • Zheng, Z., Pan, M., Yang, Y., and Pan, W. (2023). Motion planning for efficient and safe module transportation in modular integrated construction. Computer‐Aided Civil Infrastructure Engineering, 38(5), 580-600.

  • Jiang, Y., Li, M., Li, M., Liu, X., Zhong, R. Y., Pan, W., and Huang, G. Q. (2022). Digital twin-enabled real-time synchronization for planning, scheduling, and execution in precast on-site assembly. Automation in Construction, 141, 104397.

  • Pan, M., Yang, Y., Zheng, Z., and Pan, W. (2022). Artificial intelligence and robotics for prefabricated and modular construction: a systematic literature review. Journal of Construction Engineering Management, 148(9), 03122004.

  • Shan, S., and Pan, W. (2022). Collapse mechanisms of multi-story steel-framed modular structures under fire scenarios. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 196, 107419.

  • Zhang, Z., Pan, W., and Pan, M. (2022). Critical considerations on tower crane layout planning for high-rise modular integrated construction. Engineering, Construction Architectural Management, 29(7), 2615-2634.

  • Zhu, A., Zhang, Z., and Pan, W. (2022). Crane-lift path planning for high-rise modular integrated construction through metaheuristic optimization and virtual prototyping. Automation in Construction, 141, 104434.

  • Zhang, Z., Pan, W., and Xie, M. (2021). A Systematic Framework of KPIs for Measuring High-Rise Modular Integrated Construction. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability, 1-14.

  • Mou, B., Li, Y. Z., Wang, F. Y., Pan, W., and Zhao, Y. (2021). Flexural behavior of a novel high-strength RCFST column-to-column connection. Thin-Walled Structures, 159.

  • Mou, B., Zhao, F., Wang, F. Y., and Pan, W. (2021). Effect of reinforced concrete slab on the flexural behavior of composite beam to column joints: Parameter study and evaluation formulae. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 176.

  • Pan, W., Wang, Z., and Zhang, Y. (2021). Module equivalent frame method for structural design of concrete high-rise modular buildings. Journal of Building Engineering,

  • Wang, Z., Pan, W., and Zhang, Y. (2021). Parametric study on module wall-core system of concrete modular high-rises considering the influence of vertical inter-module connections. Engineering Structures, 241.

  • Yang, Y., Pan, M., Pan, W., and Zhang, Z. Q. (2021). Sources of Uncertainties in Offsite Logistics of Modular Construction for High-Rise Building Projects. Journal of Management in Engineering, 37(3).

  • Zhang, Z. Q., and Pan, W. (2021). Multi-criteria decision analysis for tower crane layout planning in high-rise modular integrated construction. Automation in Construction, 127.

  • Zhang, Z. Q., and Pan, W. (2021). Virtual reality supported interactive tower crane layout planning for high-rise modular integrated construction. Automation in Construction, 130.

  • Zhang, Z. Q., Pan, W., and Pan, M. (2021). Critical considerations on tower crane layout planning for high-rise modular integrated construction. Engineering Construction and Architectural Management.

  • Pan, W., Zhang, Z., and Yang, Y. (2020). Briefing: Bringing clarity and new understanding of smart and modular integrated construction. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Smart Infrastructure and Construction, 173(1), 175-179.

  • Zheng, Z., Zhang, Z., and Pan, W. (2020). Virtual prototyping-and transfer learning-enabled module detection for modular integrated construction. Automation in Construction, 120, 103387.

  • Zhang, Z., Pan, W., and Zheng, Z. (2020). Fighting Covid-19 through fast delivery of a modular quarantine camp with smart construction. In Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Civil Engineering (pp. 1-8).

  • Yang, Y.*, Pan, M., Pan, W. and Zhang, Z.Q (2020) Sources of Uncertainty in offsite logistics of modular construction in high-rise high-density cities. Journal of Management in Engineering. In Press.


  • Shan, S. and Pan, W.* (2020) Structural design of high-rise buildings using steel-framed modules: A case study in Hong Kong. The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings,29(15), e1788.


  • Yang, Y.* and Pan, W. (2020) Automated Guided Vehicles in Modular Integrated Construction: Potentials and Future Directions. Construction Innovation: Information, Process, Management, 21(1), 85-104.




  • Wang, Z. and Pan, W.* (2020) A hybrid coupled wall system with replaceable steel coupling beams for high-rise modular buildings. Journal of Building Engineering, 31, 101355.


  • Shafiee, S., Piroozfar, P., Hvam, L., Huang, G.Q., Pan, W., Kudsk, A., Rasmussen, J.B. and Korell, M. (2020) Modularisation Strategies in the AEC Industry: A Comparative Analysis. Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 16(4), 270-292.


  • Yang, Yi., Pan, M. and Pan, W. (2019) ‘Co-evolution through interaction’ of innovative building technologies: The case of modular integrated construction and robotics. Automation in Construction, 107, 102932.


  • Teng, Y. and Pan, W.* (2019) Systematic embodied carbon assessment and reduction of prefabricated high-rise public residential buildings in Hong Kong. Journal of Cleaner Production, 238, 117791.


  • Zhang, Z. and Pan, W. (2019) Virtual Reality (VR) Supported Lift Planning for Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) of High-rise Buildings. Journal of HKIE Transactions, 26(3), 136-143.


  • Shan, S., Looi, D.T.W., Cai, Y., Ma, P., Chen, M., Su, K.L., Young, B. and Pan, W.* (2019) Engineering modular integrated construction systems for high-rise building: A Hong Kong case study. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Civil Engineering, 172 (6), 51-57,

  • Pan, W. and Hon, C.K. (2018) Modular Integrated Construction for High-rise Buildings. Proceedings of The Institute of Civil Engineers – Municipal Engineer,


  • Pan, W., Su, R., Cai, Y. and Young, B. (2018) Engineering modular systems for high-rise buildings: an update. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Civil Engineering, 171(4), 148-148.


  • ​Pan, W., Gibb, A.G.F. and Dainty, A.R.J. (2012) Strategies for Integrating the Use of Off-site Production Technologies in House Building. ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 138(11), 1331-1340.





  • Pan, W., Gibb, A.G.F. and Dainty, A.R.J. (2008) Leading UK housebuilders’ utilization of offsite construction methods. Building Research & Information, 36(1), 56-67.



  • Pan, W., Gibb, A.G.F. and Sellars, A.B. (2008) Maintenance cost implications of utilising bathroom modules manufactured offsite. Construction Management and Economics, 26(1), 1067-1077.


  • Pan, W., Gibb, A.G.F. and Dainty, A.R.J. (2007) Perspectives of UK housebuilders on the use of offsite modern methods of construction. Construction Management and Economics, 25(2), 183-194.

  • Pan, W., Gibb, A.G.F. and Dainty, A.R.J. (2005) House Proud: Practices and strategies of leading UK housebuilders on Offsite-MMC. Offsite Construction Magazine, Winter, pp. 20-22.

Peer-reviewed Conference Papers


  • Zhu, A., and Pan, W. (2021) Automated Crane-lift Path Planning Using Modified Particle Swarm Optimization for High-rise Modular Integrated Construction. In: Proceedings of the 38th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC).

  • Zhang, Y., Yang, Y., Pan, W., and Pan, M. (2021) Key Performance Indicators of Offsite Construction Supply Chains: A Review. In: Proceedings of the 38th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC).

  • Zheng, Z., Pan, M. and Pan, W. (2020) Virtual Prototyping Based Path Planning of Unmanned Aerial Systems for Building Exterior Inspection. In: Proceedings of the 37th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC). 10.22260/ISARC2020/0004

  •  Pan, W., Pan, M. and Zheng, Z. (2020) A Novel Methodological Framework of Smart Project Delivery of Modular Integrated Construction. In: Proceedings of the 37th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC). 10.22260/ISARC2020/0150

  • Zhang, Z., & Pan, W. (2020). Virtual Reality Supported Site Layout Planning for Modular Integrated Construction of High-Rise Buildings. In Construction Research Congress 2020: Project Management and Controls, Materials, and Contracts (pp. 339-347). Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers.

  • Niu, S., Yang, Y., & Pan, W. (2019). Logistics planning and visualization of modular integrated construction projects based on BIM-GIS integration and vehicle routing algorithm. Modular and Offsite Construction (MOC) Summit Proceedings, 579-586. (Best Paper).

  • Zhang, Z., Pan, W., & Zheng, Z. J. (2019). Transfer Learning Enabled Process Recognition for Module Installation of High-rise Modular Buildings. Modular and Offsite Construction (MOC) Summit Proceedings, 268-275.

  • YANG, Y., NIU, S., & PAN, W. Supply chains of high-rise modular buildings in high-density cities. CIB Hong Kong.

  • Pan, W., Yang, Y., & Yang, L. (2018). High-rise modular building: ten-year journey and future development. In Construction Research Congress, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

  • Yang, Y. and Pan, W. (2018). Automated Guided Vehicles for High-rise Modular Buildings: Potentials, Challenges and Scenarios. Proceedings of International Conference on Construction Futures (ICCF)

  • Yang, Y., Pan, W., & Pan, M. (2017). Manufacturing of modular buildings: a literature review. Modular and Offsite Construction (MOC) Summit Proceedings. 10.29173/mocs52


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Department of Civil Engineering

The University of Hong Kong

Hong Kong


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