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The University of Hong Kong

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Open Positions for PDF/PhD/RA

Information on application

  • Interested candidates may apply to Professor Wei Pan by email, attaching CV, transcripts and research proposals as relevant.

  • Application deadline: 31 August 2024 or when the posts are filled.

  • A highly competitive salary will be offered in addition to annual leave and medical benefits, as well as excellent learning opportunity and team work.

  • Outstanding PhD applicants may be nominated for the prestigious Hong Kong PhD Fellowship (HKPF):杰出的博士申请者将有机会被推荐香港博士研究生奖学金计划


AI & Robotics (AIR) for Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) (PDF)/ 模块化组装合成建筑法(MiC)中的人工智能和机器人技术 (博士后):

Focusing on AI algorithms and robotic technology to enable smart prefabricated and modular building supply chain integration and performance monitoring, diagnosis, prediction and optimization. The candidates should have a PhD degree in Civil Engineering / Construction Engineering or a closely related discipline, and have knowledge and experience in off-site and modular construction, AI, robotics or related areas. Specialized knowledge in the following areas will be desirable: stakeholder network theory, actor network theory, system of systems, IDEF methods, agent-based modelling, deep learning, VR, and construction robotics. Applicants with knowledge in AI and robotics for MiC are preferred, but those with general knowledge in smart construction are also encouraged to apply. Capability or experience in using professional software and simulation platforms (e.g. Repast Simphony, Tensorflow, ROS, Gazebo) will be highly desirable.

建筑工程或相关学科的博士学位,并在场外和模块化施工、人工智能、机器人或相关领域具有知识和经验。需要具备以下领域的专业知识:利益相关者网络理论、参与者网络理论、系统体系、IDEF方法、基于主体建模、深度学习、虚拟现实和建筑机器人学。优先考虑具有模块化建筑中人工智能和机器人技术经验的申请人,同时也欢迎智能建筑相关经验者的申请。优先考虑具备使用专业软件和仿真平台(如Repast Simphony、Tensorflow、ROS、Gazebo)有研究或实践经验的申请者。


Smart and digital construction engineering, supply chain & delivery (PDF/RA/PhD)/ 智能与数字化建筑工程、供应链与项目交付 (博后,研究助理,博士研究生):

Focusing on AI algorithms and technologies including IoT, VR, AR, and/or automation to enable smart construction engineering, supply chain integration and performance monitoring, diagnosis, prediction and optimization. The candidates should have strong technical background and research experience in offsite and modular construction, and integration of BIM/GIS/VR, IoT and AI. The candidates should have a first-class bachelor degree or a master or a PhD degree in a relevant area. Research or practical experience in computing and web/App development will be an added value.



Life cycle carbon assessment of prefabricated or modular buildings (PDF/RA/PhD)/预制或模块化组装合成建筑法建筑的全生命周期碳评估 (博后,研究助理,博士研究生)

Focusing on high-rise buildings adopting prefabrication and modular integrated construction (MiC), particularly on initial and/or end-of-life embodied carbon and materials recycling. The candidates should have strong technical background and research experience in life cycle carbon assessment. The candidates should have a first-class bachelor degree or a master or a PhD degree in a relevant area. Research or practical experience in computing and smart technology will be an added value.



Sustainable infrastructure / building assessment (PDF/RA)/可持续基础设施/建筑评估 (博后,研究助理)

Focusing on sustainable infrastructure / building assessment, particularly in high-density city context. The candidates should have strong technical background and research experience in sustainability assessment and the use of assessment tools such as LEED, BREEAM, CEEQUAL. The candidates should have a first-class bachelor degree or a doctoral degree in a relevant area. Research or practical experience in sustainable building / infrastructure will be an added value.



High-rise building structural engineering (PDF/RA)/高层建筑结构工程 (博后,研究助理)


Focusing on high-rise buildings adopting prefabrication and modular integrated construction (MiC) technology, with necessary analysis and lab experiments. The candidates should have strong technical background and research experience in high-rise building structural engineering and analysis (steel or concrete structures). The candidates should have a first-class bachelor degree or a PhD degree in a relevant area. Research or practical experience in modular building structural engineering and testing will be an added value.




High-performance structural materials (PDF/RA)/高性能结构材料 (博后,研究助理)

Focusing on high-rise buildings adopting prefabrication and modular integrated construction (MiC), particularly on (U)HPC for critical vertical and horizontal connections, with necessary analysis and lab experiments. The candidates should have a first-class bachelor degree or a PhD degree in a relevant area. Research or practical experience in modular building structural materials testing will be an added value.


Other requirements

Candidates with excellent bachelor’s / master’s / doctoral degree in Civil Engineering or relevant disciplines to the posts listed above are welcome to apply. Minimum application requirements are as follows: GPA ≥ 85%; TOEFL-iBT: Overall≥90; IELTS: overall≥6.5. Applicants should also be highly self-motivated, have excellent communication skills in written and spoken English and the ability to work independently.



Information on application

  • Interested candidates may apply to Professor Wei Pan by email, attaching CV, transcripts and research proposals as relevant.

  • Application deadline: 31 August 2024 or when the posts are filled.

  • A highly competitive salary will be offered in addition to annual leave and medical benefits, as well as excellent learning opportunity and team work.

  • Outstanding PhD applicants may be nominated for the prestigious Hong Kong PhD Fellowship (HKPF):杰出的博士申请者将有机会被推荐香港博士研究生奖学金计划


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Department of Civil Engineering

The University of Hong Kong

Hong Kong


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