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Best Paper Award at MOC Summit 2019, Canada

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Professor Wei Pan presented the paper at the MOC Summit in Banff, Canada.

Dr Sanyuan Niu and Ms Yi Yang and their supervisor Prof Wei Pan won the Best Paper Award of the Modular and Offsite Construction (MOC) Summit 2019, Banff, Canada. The awarded paper was titled "Logistics planning and visualization of modular integrated construction projects based on BIM-GIS integration and vehicle routing algorithm". 

Logistics planning plays a vital role in the establishment of supply chain for modular integrated construction (MiC). This paper presents an integrated platform for planning, optimizing and visualizing MiC logistics based on the integration of BIM and GIS and the adoption of VRP algorithm. Following pre-determined installation schedule of modules in BIM, the logistics scenario of transporting modules are optimized and visualized in an interactive 3D city-wide GIS environment. The optimized visiting routes of trailers to sites were calculated and highlighted, and the best storage yards for loading modules were also identified. Future study will focus on adopting flexible control strategies to achieve JIT in MiC logistics planning, and including more decision-making criteria such as different module types, multi-visit to sites and road constraints.

Relevant publication:

Niu, S., Yang, Y., & Pan, W. (2019). Logistics planning and visualization of modular integrated construction projects based on BIM-GIS integration and vehicle routing algorithm. Modular and Offsite Construction (MOC) Summit Proceedings, 579-586.

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